Centre of North Island

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Pureora Forest is located near the geographic centre of the North Island.  The trip was made on a cold Queen's Birthday weekend in June 2002.  There was heavy ground frost overnight and the soil was, of course, soft!  We didn't travel very far as the strong-headed sex persisted in doing the impossible until their more sensible partners persuaded them to turn back.  Not many photos were taken on this trip as it was too dark in the forest.  The photographer decided to wrap up and stay warm in the truck doing crosswords and finishing reading The Lord of the Rings while waiting for the traffic to clear and for the boys to finish their digging!

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Group of quadbikers at tea time

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Tea time at a clearing

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Wonder why Edith's still smiling? (because Barbara asked her to!)

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Rear view - ouch, what's the damage going to be like?

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25 degree - doesn't sound too steep but boy, it must have felt like 45!

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Good to be back in the hut after all the excitements of the day


Photographs in this site are the properties of Henry and Edith Chan ©2003.  They are not to be copied or reproduced without our permission.

Please contact us if you would like to use any of the photos.  Site created and maintained by Edith Chan.